Welcome to Coldstream Parish Church

Join us at 10.30 a.m. each Sunday


Click  HERE to watch today's Sunday Focus  or go to Church Life/Services/Sunday Focus  

Tuesday 4th March - Pancake Party
pancake party 2025


Heart For God poster
More information  can be found HERE

A Booking Form can be found     HERE


Next Sunday Sing will be on the  23rd Feb 09.30am . Come and join us! ðŸŽ¶


We are building up a Spotify list of some of the songs and hymns we sing at Sunday Sing.
Here is a link     



Next Men's Prayer Breakfast meets in the Church Hall  8.00 - 9.00am
Saturday 22nd February
Bacon Rolls, tea and coffee provided.
If you haven't been before, do come along, you will be very welcome.



Today's Bible Verse





If you would like to give to the work of the Church please look at 'Giving' page under Resources or click HERE


The Church has a Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/ColdstreamKirk

TRY Praying - 

It's easier than you think.
You can get a seven-day guide to help get you started.    http://www.trypraying.co.uk/



New to church? 

Our Churches

Coldstream District Parish is a community of five parish churches.