Sunday Focus
Remembrance Sunday 10th November 2024
Hymn - O God our help
Peace be in this place,
And in each person in this place.
Peace be upon this community
And upon our nation and the entire world.
Today we remember and refuse to forget
The generations who answered
the call to serve and paid such a great price.
We remember them and, for their
sake, commit to living in and at, peace.
Hymn - Eternal Father
Hymn - O Lord we look upon the past
We will Remember Them
God of peace
We come this day in solemn remembrance and prayerful witness
to the courage, self-sacrifice and devotion to duty of those who have given of themselves in service to others.
We remember those who lost their lives and the grieving families and friends they left behind.
We remember also those who came home but who lost something of themselves on fields of battle. Those who lost limb, or reason, or sense of self.
We pray that Your comfort will be known by all who have seen the realities and dangers of war.
Ease the pain of those who grieve, being renewal to those whose health in body or mind has been diminished.
We seek Your blessing upon members of our Armed Forces and upon their families.
Grant to them safety in the fulfilment of their duties, defend them as they face dangers of many kinds, and grant to them wisdom and courage as they work for peace and justice in our lifetimes.
We remember those who faced and continue to face significant challenge at home.
For families torn apart by war, for those forced to leave the familiar and seek safety and refuge elsewhere.
For those whose homes have been destroyed,
or who cannot return due to dangers caused by conflict.
We pray for lands where neighbours have become enemies,
where brothers have picked up weapons against one another and we seek Your reconciliation and peace.
We give thanks for the times and places where we can see seeds of peace growing.
We pray for those who have never known war, and we plead that this will long continue.
Grant a love of peace to our Young people,
that they will make choices that lead to harmony.
We pray for our King, Charles, and for all of his ministers in Westminster and Holyrood.
Grant to them wisdom in the fulfilment of their duties, that they will seek to make our world a place of safety and of prosperity for all.
Grant that Your Church will speak out with passion for the sake of those who are voiceless.
Save us from silence or complacency and inspire us by Your Holy Spirit to prepare the way of the Lord today,and always.
We bring to You those things that weigh heavily upon our hearts,
trusting in the mercy and intercession of Your Holy Spirit.
We pray these things in the name of Christ, Amen
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever.
Hymn- God is our Strength and Refuge
Let Peace Reign – Blessing.
May we be faithful in our service
And in striving for all that makes for peace….
And may the God who gave his own Son for the life of the whole world,
By the power and presence of his Spirit,
Fill you and those whom you love,
with his love - for all who share this world with you –
And may God fill you too, with peace
And a passion for wholeness in the whole created order,
This day and forever more. Amen